Monday, September 10, 2018

New Preschool STEAM Activity: Colors In a Rainbow

Colors In A Rainbow 
    For this activity, the caregiver can read the book to the child and ask the child to draw a rainbow on the paper with the colored pencils.
This helps your child learn...
· Art Skills (drawing with colored pencils)
· Science Skills (weather and rainbows)

*To do the preschool activity, simply ask for the activity at the Early Learning Center desk. When you have complete the activity, return it to the desk and you will receive a sticker. 

Colores En El Arco Íris
 Lea los hechos de los arco íris a su hijo/a, hable sobre los arco íris, y que su hijo/a dibuje un arco íris en el papel.
Ésto ayuda a su niño a aprender…
· Habilidades de Arte (dibujando)
· Habilidades de Ciencia (clima y los arco íris)

*Para hacer la actividad preescolar de STEAM, simplemente pide la actividad en el escritorio del Early Learning Center (Centro do Aprendizaje Temprano). Cuando hayas completado la actividad, devuelve la actividad al escritorio y recibirás una calcomanía.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

STEAM-Let's get started

Join us for
We are ready to START

 We are kicking off some STEAM fun with Kahoot!  
Everyone loves a good trivia game.  
Bring your friends and see who knows more crazy answers to our krazy Kahoot questions. 
 Register: Grades K-2 and Grades 3-5

Do you like ART?  How about ARCHITECTURE? 
In the Youth Center this month come over to the STEAM table and practice both skills using our
Lite Brite.
 This is a drop in activity anyone can do.  Just be sure if your little brother or sister wants to do it to have your grown-up there. 
 (many small pieces)